Who is George L Knox

George Levi Knox was sold into slavery at the age of three. During The Civil War his master took him to fight on the front lines. I’m sure Knox thought about the wife and four children he had, and still decided to run across to the other side.

He joined the 55th Indiana Infantry Regiment and worked as a carriage driver. When the war was over he moved to Indianapolis, and brought his family. For about $10,000 in 1884 money or over $300,000 in today’s money, he purchased a barbershop. It only served white people, but he would only hire and train Black Barbers. It was strange, but it was a big success. It allowed him to purchase a Negro League team, The Indianapolis Barbers Baseball Club as well as operate the Indianapolis Freeman newspaper.

Fun Fact: George Levi Knox II of Tuskegee Airmen fame is his grandson.

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